A year which initially offered hope and had this group of friends looking forward to a long-anticipated reunion in 2022 turned out very differently. But we are determined to keep looking forward and do our utmost to raise funds in Stuart’s name for Prostate Cancer UK.
A quick progress update…
We’re through the £1,000 barrier in contributions via JustGiving, so a huge “thank you” to everybody who has contributed. So far communications have been mainly word-of-mouth, with other ways of raising our profile planned for 2022. The first of our Newsletters, for those who have subscribed, will also be out in the new year.
Most of us are hoping for a few bits and pieces for the hike in our Christmas stockings (which are made of merino wool, obviously), to complement our Stu’s Band of Brothers t-shirts and beanies. The bulk of the kit was delivered this month, although we now have the additional challenge of getting it distributed. Being scattered across the globe and unable to get together until the start of the hike presents a logistical challenge. But if it were easy…
Wishing all our supporters the compliments of the season, and please stay safe in these difficult times.